Financial Planning with
a Michigan Focus

Financial planning is only successful when you feel at ease, finding comfort in the knowledge that you're on track to achieve your most important lifestyle goals.

My name is Scott Davison, and I partnered with Wealthcare Capital Management to help provide increased confidence to Gen X & Y professionals and retiring baby boomers that their financial goals are within reach. Together our aim is to improve lives by removing the stress and angst related to personal finance, freeing up energy and time to focus on more enjoyable pursuits.

Scott is an independent, Fee-Only financial advisor located in Grand Rapids, Michigan who primarily serves Michigan residents (often those in Grand Rapids, Metro Detroit, Lansing, Kalamazoo, and Ann Arbor) but also serves clients throughout the United States.

Most financial planning services monitor your past, sending quarterly or annual reports
stating your investment returns for the most recently completed time period.
However, past investment returns tell you nothing of your future ability to achieve your
lifestyle goals. You're left wondering if you're still on course for the years ahead.

icon-question-tallIf you aggressively pay down your student loan now, does that threaten your ability to achieve other goals such as buying a new home in the next five years?

icon-question-tallCould you reduce the amount you’re currently saving to spend more on your family today without sacrificing your future standard of living?

icon-questionWill you be able to retire when you want and not run out of money?

icon-questionIs owning a second home a viable option?

icon-question-tallHow should you allocate your money between paying the mortgage, saving for your children’s education, and funding your retirement if you want to accomplish all three within 20 years?

icon-questionWould annual first-class trips abroad in your earlier retirement years affect your ability to afford elder care in your later years?

No matter what financial questions are most important to you, we will provide the answers by calculating how confident you can be that your goals will be accomplished, anticipating the impact of different bull and bear markets. In other words, we monitor the future and the possible outcomes.

When it comes to financial planning, the only applicable benchmark is achieving the lifestyle you want, not a return percentage on a piece of paper.

While markets are uncertain and no one has a crystal ball, we use a unique, patented goals-based financial planning approach that connects our clients’ wealth with their goals and determines the probability of achieving those goals. Instead of reporting and focusing on historical performance, we analyze prospective market returns for the coming years and examine their potential opportunities and pitfalls.  Rest assured knowing we’ll modify your plan as needed to make the most of your life even in extremely poor markets. This involves proactive updates on your progress towards the goals and priorities you have defined as most important.

Halt the fear and anxiety that accompany monitoring the past while you worry that volatile markets threaten your future. We invite you to experience the comfort that comes with increased confidence that you’ll be able to live the life you want, today and tomorrow.

img-arrow  To see if we are a good fit for you, please visit our section on our typical clients.

img-arrow  Learn more about our services and what makes us different from other financial planning practitioners.